sounds like...

I spent money i shouldn't have, on some new records. I figure if I write about them, i won't feel so guilty about buying them....
first one of mention is the collaboration between DJ Dangermouse of that Grey Album infamy, that *cough* caused a few laughs, and MF Doom, under the name of Dangerdoom - 'The Mouse And The Mask'. Its a cross collaboration with Adult Swim, i guess some show from Cartoon Network - my friend said it was a cartoon chatshow hosted by Space Ghost. Lots of cartoon samples, fresh classic hiphop styling beats, healthy does of humour without being annoying, and a flowing vocal delivery. If you liked the last MF Doom album "Mmm.. Food", you'll like this too...
Black Dice - Broken Ear Record.
Sprawling epic thuds and beats, like a primal version of Animal Collective with electronic toys. Really enjoying this, i've never seen them live, and after hearing this, i really want to.
DJ /rupture's Low Income Tomorrowland.
This is a mix cd done on turntables, that comes with a data portion containing 6 mp3s from a live german radio show. The mix is the style you'd expect, nice big chunky breaks, a certain ethnic sound to it, from hiphop to warped twostep/grime, ragga, breaks. Too much music i listen to could be considered twee, whiney and/or experimental - its quite nice to get some more banging music. I havent made my way through all the mp3s on here yet, which add up to about another hours worth of music, but it sounds good as well.
Two others ..
Bichi - Notwithstanding
Hulk - Silver Thread Of Ghosts
Both more in the quieter electronic category, with the Bichi leaning more on the glitchy side, and the Hulk release a bit more organic and droney. Deeply enjoying both, and looking forward to hearing them on the ipod.